What type of socks is permissible to perform maseh on?


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Question: People of our country wear many types of socks. Some wear leather socks. Some wear thin cotton socks. Some wear nylon socks or cotton socks. Now what I want to know is - which type of socks is it permissible to perform maseh on?

Answer: According to our research socks can be of three types.

1. leather socks It is permissible to perform maseh unanimously on such socks. It is permissible to perform maseh on boots and gumboots.

Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) said, I did not advocate masah on socks until the matter became clear to me like daylight. (Albahrur Rayek-1/288, Zakaria)

Hasan Basri (RA) said, I have met seventy Badri Sahabis. Saw each of them doing maseh on leather socks. (Badayus Sanaye-1/77, Zakariya Ahkamul Qur’an, Imam Jassaskrit-2/425)

2. A thin sock that is not even made of leather and has none of the qualities of a leather sock. Like today's cotton socks, nylon socks or cotton socks etc. It is not permissible to perform maseh on these socks.

Allama Kasani (RA) said, if the socks are so thin that water penetrates them, then it is not permissible to perform maseh on them by consensus. (Badayus Sanaye-1/83, Zakaria Book Depot)

3. socks not of leather; But because of the thickness, the quality of leather socks is obtained. Maseh is permissible on such socks, if three conditions are met.

A. The sock should be thick enough that water does not reach the feet.

b. The sock is so thick that one can walk for two to two and a half kilometers without tying the sock with anything, but the sock will not tear.

c. The socks should be big enough to cover the toes.

Therefore, it is clear from the above discussion that it is not permissible to perform maseh on the thin socks of our country.

Ibn Nuzaim (RA) said, It is not permissible to perform maseh on thin socks made of thread or hair, according to consensus. (Albahrur Rayek-1/318, Zakaria)

Note, 1. If you wear socks after performing ablution, you can perform maseh on them if your ablution is broken later. If Ghusl is obligatory after wearing the socks, it is not permissible to perform maseh on those socks.

2. One day and one night if a Mukim, and three days and three nights if a Musafir can perform maseh on socks.

Source: Sahih Bukhari-202. Sunan Tirmidhi-93 Hedaya-1/61. Badayus Sanaye-1/75-85, Fatawa Hindia-1/85. Mazmaul Anhur-1/74

Answered by- Mufti Sadekur Rahman, Mufti and Muhaddis, Sheikh Januruddin (RA) Darul Quran Madrasa, Chowdhurypara, Dhaka.



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